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This is where you describe the storyline of your video. Copy this file into your site and edit the story to suit your video.

Available effects:

Control playback or jump to the specified beat of the song:

{a:'pause', d:4}
{a:'jump_to', d:1}
{a:'jump_to_time', d:12.3456}

Background colour effects:

{a:'bg_colour', d: {colour: "#eee"}}
{a:'bg_fade_to', d: {colour: "rgba(123, 123, 123, %d)"}}

Embed HTML over the video:

{a:'html', d:{html:'<h1>Markup here</h1>', top:50, left:50}}
{a:'clickable_areas', d:{
    coords: [
        {x:25, y:25, h:75, w:75, callback:'my_function1 ()'},
        {x:125, y:125, h:75, w:75, callback:'my_function2 ()'},
        {x:225, y:225, h:75, w:75, callback:'my_function3 ()'}

Flicker images:

{a:'flicker', d: {img: "pix/image.png", duration: 1}}
{a:'flicker_sequence', d: {images: ["img1.png", "img2.png"], duration: 1}}
{a:'flicker_panels', d: {
    images: ["img1.png", "img2.png", "img3.png", "img4.png"], duration: 1}}
{a:'flicker_parallax', d: {
    layers: ["back.png", "middle.png", "top.png"],
    duration: 4, auto: true, direction: 'right'}}

Display the specified lyrics then fade them away:

{a:'lyrics', d: {txt: "...", x: 123, y: 123, colour:'rgba(102, 102, 102, 1)'}}

Volume control:

{a:'set_volume', d:0.7}
{a:'volume_fade', d:{to:0.7, duration:4}}

Request viewer input:

{a:'input_text', d: {msg: "Please enter your name",
    save_to: "/save_input.php", jump_to: 10}}
{a:'input_text', d: {msg: "Please enter your city",
    save_to: "/save_input.php", jump_to: 10, autocomplete: list_values}}
{a:'input_textarea', d: {msg: "Tell me a story",
    save_to: "/save_input.php", jump_to: 10}}
{a:'input_branching', d: {msg: "What would you do?", options: [
    {choice: "Go down the dark staircase", jump_to: 10}
    {choice: "Hide in the attic", jump_to: 20}
    {choice: "Call the Ghostbusters", jump_to: 30}

An interactive circle hide/reveal effect:

{a:'circles_on', d: {fill: '#eee'}}

Bounce a skyline of the eq_data to the beat of the song:


An interactive bouncing circles effect:


Render ContextFree.js code:

{a:'context_on', d: "code here"}
{a:'context_off'} (use img:'context' to reference the saved image later)

Allow drawn input using the Harmony ribbon pen:

{a:'ribbon_on', d: {msg: "Draw me something", save_to: "/save_image.php"}}
{a:'ribbon_off'} (use img:'ribbon' to reference the saved image later)

Render a scene from Three.js:

{a:'three_on', d:{func:function_with_three_js_code, arg1:'foo', arg2:'bar'}}

Use data feeds to display current info in your video (JSON, RSS, ATOM, XML):

{a:'datafeed_slideshow', d:{url: '/example.rss'}}
{a:'datafeed_headlines', d:{url: '/example.rss'}}
{a:'datafeed_map_on', d:{url: '/coords.json'}}

Example story:

_s[0] = [
_s[1] = [
    {a:'lyrics', d: {txt: "Draw how you're feeling today", x: 50, y: 50}}
_s[4] = [
    {a:'lyrics', d: {txt: "Ready?", x: 100, y: 100}}
_s[6] = [
    {a:'lyrics', d: {txt: "Set...", x: 200, y: 100}}
_s[8] = [
    {a:'lyrics', d: {txt: "Go!", x: 300, y: 100}},
    {a:'ribbon_on', d: {save_to: "http://www.example.com/save_image.php"}}
_s[20] = [
    {a:'lyrics', d: {txt: "Almost done?", x: 100, y: 100}}
_s[24] = [
    {a:'lyrics', d: {txt: "Saving...", x:100, y: 100}}

Your story goes here.

_s[0] = [