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Effects to take a prefetched data feed (JSON, RSS, ATOM, XML) and use in your video. In combination with the input effects, and a bit of server-side coding, this can yield some interesting possibilities.

For all data feeds used by these effects, make sure to include them in the cacophony.preloadData () section of your settings file.

var datafeed_map_colours = ['#7E2D95', '#E65008', '#5b6c03', '#9d3e62', '#278699', '#cc0101', '#ffd800'],
	datafeed_slideshow_duration = 4,
	datafeed_slideshow_limit = false,
	datafeed_slideshow_cur = 0,
	datafeed_slideshow_n = 0,
	datafeed_slideshow_images = [],
	datafeed_headlines_items = [],
	datafeed_headlines_cur = 0,
	datafeed_headlines_duration = 4,
	datafeed_headlines_limit = false,
	datafeed_headlines_last_y = false;

Make the calculations for performing the Ken Burns effect on an image in the slideshow. Based on the Ken Burns implementation at Adventures in Software.

function datafeed_slideshow_burns (proportion) {
	proportion = (isNaN (proportion)) ? 1.5 : proportion;
	var burns = {
		_x0: 0,
		_x1: 0,
		_y0: 0,
		_y1: 0,
		_w0: 0,
		_w1: 0,
		_h0: 0,
		_h1: 0,
		apply: function (img, time) {
			time *= .02;
			img.x = (this._x0 - this._x1) * time - this._x0;
			img.y = (this._y0 - this._y1) * time - this._y0;
			img.dWidth = (this._w1 - this._w0) * time + this._w0;
			img.dHeight = (this._h1 - this._h0) * time + this._h0;

Choose rectangles based on more constrained dimension.

	if (proportion < cacophony.width / cacophony.height) {
		burns._w0 = cacophony.width * (1 + (.25 * Math.random ()));
		burns._w1 = cacophony.width * (1 + (.25 * Math.random ()));
		burns._h0 = burns._w0 / proportion;
		burns._h1 = burns._w1 / proportion;
	} else {
		burns._h0 = cacophony.height * (1 + (.25 * Math.random ()));
		burns._h1 = cacophony.height * (1 + (.25 * Math.random ()));
		burns._w0 = burns._h0 * proportion;
		burns._w1 = burns._h1 * proportion;

Calculate the translation to keep image within window.

	burns._x0 = (burns._w0 - cacophony.width) * Math.random ();
	burns._x1 = (burns._w1 - cacophony.width) * Math.random ();
	burns._y0 = (burns._h0 - cacophony.height) * Math.random ();
	burns._y1 = (burns._h1 - cacophony.height) * Math.random ();

	return burns;

Used by datafeed_slideshow() to perform the timeout work.

function datafeed_slideshow_step () {
	if (! cacophony.playing) {
		setTimeout (datafeed_slideshow_step, (cacophony.beatLength () * datafeed_slideshow_duration) / 25);


	if (datafeed_slideshow_n == 20) {

		if (datafeed_slideshow_images[datafeed_slideshow_cur]) {
			datafeed_slideshow_front_img = new ImageNode (datafeed_slideshow_images[datafeed_slideshow_cur]);
			datafeed_slideshow_front_burns = datafeed_slideshow_burns (datafeed_slideshow_front_img.width / datafeed_slideshow_front_img.height);
			datafeed_slideshow_front_img.opacity = 0;
			datafeed_slideshow_front_burns.apply (datafeed_slideshow_front_img, -5);
			cacophony.canvas.append (datafeed_slideshow_front_img);
	} else if (datafeed_slideshow_n == 25) {
		cacophony.canvas.remove (datafeed_slideshow_back_img);
		datafeed_slideshow_back_img = datafeed_slideshow_front_img;
		datafeed_slideshow_back_burns = datafeed_slideshow_front_burns;
		if (datafeed_slideshow_back_img) {
			datafeed_slideshow_back_img.opacity = 1;
		datafeed_slideshow_front_img = null;
		datafeed_slideshow_front_burns = null;
		datafeed_slideshow_n = 0;
	} else if (datafeed_slideshow_n > 20) {
		if (datafeed_slideshow_front_img) {
			datafeed_slideshow_front_img.opacity += .2;
			datafeed_slideshow_front_burns.apply (datafeed_slideshow_front_img, datafeed_slideshow_n - 25);
		datafeed_slideshow_back_img.opacity -= .2;

	if (datafeed_slideshow_back_img) {
		datafeed_slideshow_back_burns.apply (datafeed_slideshow_back_img, datafeed_slideshow_n);

		setTimeout (datafeed_slideshow_step, (cacophony.beatLength () * datafeed_slideshow_duration) / 25);

Display a slideshow based on a specified RSS or ATOM feed.


{a:'datafeed_slideshow', d:{
    url: '/example.rss',
    duration: 8,
    limit: 10
function datafeed_slideshow (data) {
	if (data) {
		var feed = cacophony.datafeed[data.url];
		var images = feed.childNodes[0].getElementsByTagName ('content');
		datafeed_slideshow_cur = 0;
		datafeed_slideshow_limit = (data.limit) ? data.limit : false;
		datafeed_slideshow_duration = (data.duration) ? data.duration : 4;
		datafeed_slideshow_images = [];
		for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
			if (datafeed_slideshow_limit && i == datafeed_slideshow_limit) {
			datafeed_slideshow_images[i] = _i[images[i].getAttribute ('url')];

	datafeed_slideshow_n = 0;
	datafeed_slideshow_back_img = new ImageNode (datafeed_slideshow_images[0]);
	datafeed_slideshow_back_burns = datafeed_slideshow_burns (datafeed_slideshow_back_img.width / datafeed_slideshow_back_img.height);
	datafeed_slideshow_back_img.opacity = 1;
	datafeed_slideshow_back_burns.apply (datafeed_slideshow_back_img, datafeed_slideshow_n);
	cacophony.canvas.append (datafeed_slideshow_back_img);

	datafeed_slideshow_step ();

Display a series of headlines based on a specified RSS or ATOM feed.


{a:'datafeed_headlines', d:{
    url: '/example.rss',
    duration: 4,
    limit: 10
function datafeed_headlines (data) {
	if (data) {
		var feed = cacophony.datafeed[data.url];
		datafeed_headlines_items = feed.childNodes[0].getElementsByTagName ('item');
		datafeed_headlines_cur = 0;
		datafeed_headlines_duration = (data.duration) ? data.duration : 4;
		datafeed_headlines_limit = (data.limit) ? data.limit : false;
		datafeed_headlines_last_y = false;
		datafeed_headlines_colour = (data.colour) ? data.colour : 'rgba(102, 102, 102, 1.0)';

	if (! cacophony.playing) {
		setTimeout (datafeed_headlines, cacophony.beatLength () * datafeed_headlines_duration);

	if (datafeed_headlines_limit && datafeed_headlines_limit <= datafeed_headlines_cur) {

	if (datafeed_headlines_items[datafeed_headlines_cur]) {
		var txt = $(datafeed_headlines_items[datafeed_headlines_cur]).find ('title')[0].textContent;
		if (! datafeed_headlines_last_y || datafeed_headlines_last_y > (cacophony.height / 2)) {
			datafeed_headlines_last_y = 5 + Math.round (Math.random () * ((cacophony.height / 2) - 5));
		} else {
			datafeed_headlines_last_y = (cacophony.height / 2) + Math.round (Math.random () * (cacophony.height / 2));
		lyrics ({
			txt: txt,
			x: Math.random () * (cacophony.width / 4),
			y: datafeed_headlines_last_y,
			colour: datafeed_headlines_colour


		setTimeout (datafeed_headlines, cacophony.beatLength () * datafeed_headlines_duration);

Display a series of points on a map based on a JSON feed of the following form:

[{lat: 5.432, lng: 5.678},
 {lat: 1.234, lng: 4:321}]


{a:'datafeed_map_on', d:{
    url: '/coordinates.json',
    zoom: 2,
    lat: 1.0,
    lng: 0.0

Also be sure to include the Google Maps API into your <head> as well:

<script type="text/javascript"
function datafeed_map_on (data) {
	var feed, d, zoom, lat, lng, latlng, options, map, c, opts, circle;
	feed = cacophony.datafeed[data.url];

	d = document.createElement ('div');
	d.setAttribute ('style', 'width: ' + (cacophony.width - 40) + 'px; height: ' + (cacophony.height - 100) + 'px');

	zoom = (data.zoom) ? data.zoom : 2;
	lat = (data.lat) ? data.lat : 1.0;
	lng = (data.lng) ? data.lng : 0.0;

	latlng = new google.maps.LatLng (lat, lng);
	options = {
		zoom: zoom,
		center: latlng,
		mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN,
		mapTypeControl: false,
		backgroundColor: 'transparent',
		draggable: false,
		scrollwheel: false,
		scaleControl: false,
		navigationControl: false,
		streetViewControl: false
	map = new google.maps.Map (d, options);

	for (var i = 0; i < feed.length; i++) {
		c = datafeed_map_colour ();
		opts = {
			center: new google.maps.LatLng (feed[i].lat, feed[i].lng),
			fillColor: c,
			fillOpacity: 1,
			clickable: false,
			map: map,
			radius: feed[i].count * 10000, // 10km per count
			strokeColor: c,
			strokeOpacity: 1,
			strokeWeight: 1,
			zIndex: 100
		circle = new google.maps.Circle (opts);
		circle.setMap (map);

	cacophony.html (d, 30, 20);

Hide the map.


function datafeed_map_off () {
	cacophony.html ();

Get a random colour for the map circles

function datafeed_map_colour () {
	return datafeed_map_colours[Math.floor (Math.random () * datafeed_map_colours.length)];

_e['datafeed_slideshow'] = datafeed_slideshow;
_e['datafeed_headlines'] = datafeed_headlines;
_e['datafeed_map_on'] = datafeed_map_on;
_e['datafeed_map_off'] = datafeed_map_off;