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Generate sparkles that float around and react to mouse movements.

var sparkles = [],
    sparkles_interval = false;

Turn the sparkles on.


{a:'sparkles_on', d:{num: 50}}
function sparkles_on (data) {
    var count = (data && data.num) ? data.num : 50;

    for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {

Create a sparkle object and add it to the canvas.

        sparkles[i] = sparkles_create ();
        cacophony.canvas.append (sparkles[i]);

Update every 25ms.

    sparkles_interval = cacophony.addInterval (sparkles_update, 25);

Turn the sparkles off.


function sparkles_off (data) {

Remove the interval updates.

    cacophony.removeInterval (sparkles_interval);
    sparkles_interval = false;

Remove the sparkle objects from the canvas.

    for (var i = 0; i < sparkles.length; i++) {
        cacophony.canvas.remove (sparkles[i]);
    sparkles = [];

Helper function to get a random value between min and max, optionally rounded.

function sparkles_rand (min, max, round) {
    var rand = min + (Math.random () * (max - min));
    return (round) ? Math.round (rand) : rand;

Create a new sparkle with random position, opacity, direction, and speed.

function sparkles_create () {
    var s = new Circle (sparkles_rand (1, 5));
    s.x = cacophony.width / 2 + sparkles_rand (-50, 50);
    s.y = cacophony.height / 2 + sparkles_rand (-50, 50);
    s._opacity = Math.random();
    s.fill = 'rgba(255,255,255,' + s._opacity + ')';
    s._dir = [sparkles_rand (-2.5, 2.5), sparkles_rand (-2.5, 2.5)];
    s._dir[0] = (s._dir[0]) ? s._dir[0] : -1;
    s._dir[1] = (s._dir[1]) ? s._dir[1] : 1;
    return s;

Update the sparkles on interval.

function sparkles_update () {
    var rad = 0, op = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < sparkles.length; i++) {

Update the radius and opacity for a pulsing effect.

        rad = sparkles_rand (-.1, .1);
        if (sparkles[i].radius + rad > 0 && sparkles[i].radius + rad <= 5) {
            sparkles[i].radius += rad;

        op = sparkles_rand (-.1, .1);
        if (sparkles[i]._opacity + op > 0.2 && sparkles[i]._opacity + op <= 1) {
            sparkles[i]._opacity += op;
        sparkles[i].fill = 'rgba(255,255,255,' + sparkles[i]._opacity + ')';

Detect edges and slow them down.

        if (sparkles[i]._dir[0] < 0) {
            if (sparkles[i].x < 1) {

Reverse course and boost speed

                sparkles[i]._dir[0] = Math.abs (sparkles[i]._dir[0]) + 1;
            } else if (sparkles[i]._dir[0] < -1) {

Slow down

                sparkles[i]._dir[0] += 0.05;
        } else if (sparkles[i]._dir[0] > 0) {
            if (sparkles[i].x > cacophony.width) {

Reverse course and boost speed

                sparkles[i]._dir[0] = (sparkles[i]._dir[0] * -1) - 1;
            } else if (sparkles[i]._dir > 1) {

Slow down

                sparkles[i]._dir[0] -= 0.05;

        if (sparkles[i]._dir[1] < 0) {
            if (sparkles[i].y < 1) {

Reverse course and boost speed

                sparkles[i]._dir[1] = Math.abs (sparkles[i]._dir[1]) + 1;
            } else if (sparkles[i]._dir[1] < -1) {

Slow down

                sparkles[i]._dir[1] += 0.05;
        } else if (sparkles[i]._dir[1] > 0) {
            if (sparkles[i].y > cacophony.height) {

Reverse course and boost speed

                sparkles[i]._dir[1] = (sparkles[i]._dir[1] * -1) - 1;
            } else if (sparkles[i]._dir > 1) {

Slow down

                sparkles[i]._dir[1] -= 0.05;

Update the position

        sparkles[i].x += sparkles[i]._dir[0];
        sparkles[i].y += sparkles[i]._dir[1];

Increase speed and update direction based on proximity to the mouse.

function sparkles_react (i) {
    if (cacophony.mousex > sparkles[i].x && sparkles[i]._dir[0] > 0) {
        sparkles[i]._dir[0] = (sparkles[i]._dir[0] * -1) - 1;
    } else if (cacophony.mousex < sparkles[i].x && sparkles[i]._dir[0] < 0) {
        sparkles[i]._dir[0] = Math.abs (sparkles[i]._dir[0]) + 1;

    if (cacophony.mousey > sparkles[i].y && sparkles[i]._dir[1] > 0) {
        sparkles[i]._dir[1] = (sparkles[i]._dir[1] * -1) - 1;
    } else if (cacophony.mousey < sparkles[i].y && sparkles[i]._dir[1] < 0) {
        sparkles[i]._dir[1] = Math.abs (sparkles[i]._dir[1]) + 1;

Update the sparkles on mousemove.

function sparkles_mousemove () {

Update each sparkle object's direction only if they're within a certain distance of the mouse.

    for (var i = 0; i < sparkles.length; i++) {
        if (cacophony.dist (sparkles[i].x, sparkles[i].y,
                  cacophony.mousex, cacophony.mousey) <= 25) {
            sparkles_react (i);

Register a mousemove callback for the effect.

cacophony.mousemove (function () {
    if (sparkles_interval === false) {

Don't call if the effect is not active.


    sparkles_mousemove ();

Register the effects.

_e['sparkles_on'] = sparkles_on;
_e['sparkles_off'] = sparkles_off;