Jump To …



A variety of basic effects to control player flow, modify the background colour of the video, and jump to different points in the video.


Set the background colour of the bottom canvas layer (above the video layer).


{a:'bg_colour', d:{colour: '#eee'}}
function bg_colour (data) {
	cacophony.bg.fill = data.colour;
	$('#wrapper').css ('background-color', data.colour);

Fade the background colour of the bottom canvas layer (above the video layer). Colour must be specified as rgba() with %d for the alpha value.


{a:'bg_fade_to', d:{colour: 'rgba(123, 123, 123, %d)'}}
function bg_fade_to (data, alpha) {
	if (! alpha) {
		alpha = 0.1;

	if (! cacophony.playing) {
		setTimeout ('bg_fade_to ({colour: "' + data.colour + '"}, ' + alpha + ')', cacophony.beatLength () / 12);

	cacophony.bg2.fill = data.colour.replace ('%d', alpha);
	if (alpha >= 0.98) {
		cacophony.bg.fill = data.colour.replace ('%d', 1);
		cacophony.bg2.fill = 'rgba(27, 1, 1, 0)';
	setTimeout ('bg_fade_to ({colour: "' + data.colour + '"}, ' + (alpha + 0.1) + ')', cacophony.beatLength () / 12);

Fade in, revealing the underlying video and ending with the background of the bottom canvas set to alpha 0.


function bg_fade_in (op) {
	if (! op) {
		op = 10;
	} else {
		op -= 1;

	if (! cacophony.playing) {
		setTimeout ('bg_fade_in (' + op + ');', 53);

	if (! f) {
		f = new Rectangle (cacophony.width, cacophony.height);
		f.x = 0;
		f.y = 0;

	f.fill = 'rgba(27, 1, 1, ' + (op / 10) + ')';
	cacophony.canvas.append (f);

	cacophony.bg.fill = 'rgba(27, 1, 1, 0)';

	if (op > 0) {
		setTimeout ('bg_fade_in (' + op + ');', 53);
	} else {
		cacophony.canvas.remove (f);
		f = false;

Fade to black, hiding the underlying video.


function bg_fade_out (op) {
	if (! op) {
		op = 0;

	if (! cacophony.playing) {
		setTimeout ('bg_fade_out (' + op + ');', 53);

	op += 0.8;

	if (! f) {
		f = new Rectangle (cacophony.width, cacophony.height);
		f.x = 0;
		f.y = 0;

	f.fill = 'rgba(27, 1, 1, ' + (op / 10) + ')';
	cacophony.canvas.append (f);
	if (op < 10) {
		setTimeout ('bg_fade_out (' + op + ');', 53);
	} else {
		cacophony.canvas.remove (f);
		f = false;
		bg_colour ({colour: 'rgba(27, 1, 1, 1)'});

Jump to the specified beat of the song.


{a:'jump_to', d:12}
function core_jump_to (data) {
	cacophony.jumpTo (data);

Jump to the specified point in the song in seconds.


{a:'jump_to_time', d:12.3456}
function core_jump_to_time (data) {
	cacophony.jumpToTime (data);

Pause the video.



Optional duration:

{a:'pause', d:4}
function core_pause (data) {
	if (data) {
		setTimeout (core_continue, cacophony.beatLength * data);
	cacophony.pause ();

Resume playback.


function core_continue () {
	cacophony.play ();

Assign HTML to the video.


{a:'html', d:{html:'<h1>Markup here</h1>'}}

{a:'html', d:{html:'<h1>Markup here</h1>', top:50, left:50}}
function core_html (data) {
	if (data.top != null) {
		cacophony.html (data.html, data.top, data.left);
	} else {
		cacophony.html (data.html);

Clear any HTML in the video.


function core_clear_html () {
	cacophony.html ();

Assign clickable areas to the video with callbacks. Callbacks will have a return false added to them automatically.


{a:'clickable_areas', d:{
    coords: [
        {x:25, y:25, h:75, w:75, callback:'my_function1 ()'},
        {x:125, y:125, h:75, w:75, callback:'my_function2 ()'},
        {x:225, y:225, h:75, w:75, callback:'my_function3 ()'}
function core_clickable_areas (data) {
	var html = '<div style="width: ' + cacophony.width + 'px; height: ' + cacophony.height + 'px; position: relative; border: 0px">';

	for (var i = 0; i < data.coords.length; i++) {
		html += '<a href="#" onclick="' + data.coords[i].callback + '; return false">'
			+ 'style="position:absolute; border: 0px none; top: ' + data.coords[i].y + 'px; left: ' + data.coords[i].x + 'px; height: ' + data.coords[i].h + 'px; width: ' + data.coords[i].w + 'px" /></a>';

	html += '</div>';

	cacophony.html (html, 0, 0);

Register all effects.

_e['bg_colour'] = bg_colour;
_e['bg_fade_to'] = bg_fade_to;
_e['bg_fade_in'] = bg_fade_in;
_e['bg_fade_out'] = bg_fade_out;
_e['jump_to'] = core_jump_to;
_e['jump_to_time'] = core_jump_to_time;
_e['pause'] = core_pause;
_e['continue'] = core_continue;
_e['html'] = core_html;
_e['clear_html'] = core_clear_html;
_e['clickable_areas'] = core_clickable_areas;